We get questions like this one on the blog all the time, as well as from friends and family when we’re visiting their houses and bringing our dog with us.
Our dog, like many, is a kitchen hanger-outer (is yours too?). She quietly nuzzles your leg, maintaining zero distance between you and the floor in case something drops from the prep. zone.
We thought we’d put together two infographics to help with answers to questions like, “can your dog have a grape?”, particularly since the holiday season tends to mean busier households and larger gatherings, so more hands in the kitchen that may or may not be familiar with ‘dog-friendly’ and ‘dog-toxic’ foods.
We’d never expect non dog-owners to know the answers to these questions, but dog owners and sitters/caregivers etc. really should. You could even print these out and pin them up in the kitchen so that chefs and sous-chefs alike can see what goes and what doesn’t when it comes to foods that are safe for Fido.
Safety first, right? Then let the entertaining begin!
Hope these posters are useful!
1. Foods Your Dog Can’t Eat
2. Foods Your Dog Can Eat And May Just Love!*
If you have any questions, please ask us. We’re always available in the comments, on social media, or by email.
*When in doubt, consult your vet about your dog’s specific dietary needs.
And don’t forget to share these with your family and friends…
For additional information specifically on the toxicity of grapes on dogs, we invite you to check out the article, “Can Dogs Eat Grapes?” by our friends at PetConsider.com. And for additional info on dog foods, check out our post about a new online resource for choosing the best food for your dog: How to Choose the Best Food For Your Dog – A New Resource.
As always, thanks for reading. We’re glad to have you with us.
Twitter: @LifeInDogLane @adamgemackenzie
Thanks for sharing this awesome article. Dogs can’t eat grapes coz it’s toxic for them. Grapes can have compounds that can be poisonous to dogs and can lead to a serious problem. Try other alternative treats if you want to give fruits to your dogs. I found this helpful post, hope this helps your readers. https://drmartypets.com/can-dogs-eat-grapes/
We have a litter of Border Collie mix. Five fat fluffy bundles of energy. Everybody was growing and developing all their big dog skills just fine.
We have a Frito-Lays warehouse up the road from us. They regularly toss bags of chips cookies cheese and bean dip jerky- any product Frito-Lays makes we get from them before they throw it away. So there is a surplus here of it all.
One of the pups discovered the pretzels. Not long after she did she began to go into convulsions. I happened to be holding her at the time luckily. I had no idea what was going on. I thought she was dying because she lost her bowels and wet on me before the foaming and convulsions began. Her eyes were lifeless looking she quit breathing at one point for several seconds-I actually put her muzzle into my mouth and blew some short quick breaths into her. She was crying and me and my boyfriend were trying everything we knew to help her. Finally he took her outside and held her until the convulsions stopped. Then she ran and ran and ran. She ran for at least 30 minutes. He came back inside she looked dead but she was sleeping. He said she ran until she just fell out. The next day she had three more just like this. It tore our hearts out.
We figuered out she was having seizures but we didnt know why. I did some reading and by the end of the next day I decided it was the pretzels she had gotten into. We put everything of the such and all other toxins to a pup up high so they couldnt reach anything in case another break in happened. About four days went by and she was clear of any more seizures.
Then one morning we found them. One of our cats got the pretzels and had shared with her friends- including the little one who had just experienced the trauma pretzels can cause. Apparently we caught it before too much was eaten because her seizure wasn’t as long or as severe-which convinced me I was correct in that the pretzels had caused her to have the seizures and to sternly state zero- I mean ZERO people food for ALL canine and feline. We get people food and they get theirs. A rule that I was having trouble getting my boyfriend and our house-mate to follow- until this happened that is.
I hope my experience can save another from going through this. Its not worth their life possibly to have a hand out from the table. I keep treats on hand to give them. When they give us those sad begging puppy dog eyes we hand them a bite of pupperoni or beggin strip or something that we’re positive its dog friendly.
I’m still a little gun shy yet; since its not been a week since all this happened. I gotta check every funny noise that comes from the dogs area just to be sure.